About this guidance: authorship and credits
This guidance is based on the field experiences of the Members and Honorary members of the ICCA Consortium. An earlier document was produced by the ICCA Consortium in three languages and diffused in 2017 (available as pdf here). This current version has incorporated comments and learning since then. It should be cited as:
Borrini-Feyerabend, G., J. Campese, and T. Niederberger (eds). 2021. Strengthening your territory of life: guidance from communities for communities. Online version: ssprocess.iccaconsortium.org. ICCA Consortium.
Your comments and suggestions are most welcome! Please send them to info@iccaconsortium.org and gbffilter@gmail.com
The editors would like to thank the many colleagues in the ICCA Consortium who generously provided information and advice in the development of this work. They are particularly grateful to Carolina Amaya, Ghanimat Azhdari, Albert Chan Dzul, Christian Chatelain, Colleen Corrigan, Emma Courtine, Sergio Couto, Tiphaine Dalmas, Dave de Vera, Singay Dorji, Cristina Eghenter, Taghi M. Farvar, Marc Foggin, Delfin Ganapin, Felipe Gomez, Hugh Govan, Terence Hay-Edie, Jeremy Ironside, Joseph Itongwa, Sudeep Jana Thing, Holly Jonas, Alexis Kaboré, Bassima Katib, Ashish Kothari, Emma Lee, Paola Maldonado Tobar, Carmen Miranda Larrea, Briana Okuno, Casper Palmano, Neema Pathak Broome, Femy Pinto, Aili Pyhälä, Lucas Quintupuray, Jailab Rai, Ali Razmkhah, Vololona Rasoarimanana, Vanessa Reid, Salatou Sambou, Sutej Hugu, Marc Tognotti, Paul Sein Twa, Makko Sinandei, Aman Singh, Emmanuel Sulle, Glaiza Tabanao, Zelealem Tefera Ashenafi, Ehhteeh Wah, Kasmita Widodo and Yingyi Zhang.
Graphic design: Ines Hirata
Web design: Jake McMurchie
Acknowledgement: This guidance and related work through which it was developed were funded through the Global Support Initiative for ICCAs (GSI*), The Christensen Fund and Sida, through SwedBio at the Stockholm Resilience Centre. The ICCA Consortium warmly acknowledges these funding partners whose trusting support has been fundamental to bringing this work to completion.
*The ICCA-GSI is a multi-partnership initiative that is delivered by the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP), implemented by UNDP, and funded by the Government of Germany, through its Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Key partners include the United Nations Environment Programme’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCMC), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Global Programme on Protected Areas (IUCN GPAP), the ICCA Consortium and the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).
Copyright: Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA), The ICCA Consortium 2021
Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder.
Header Photo © Pierluigi Ferrari