Documenting a territory of life: Questions for a grassroots discussion
These questions can help the community decide whether and how to create additional documentation about its territory of life.
- Is information about the territory of life readily available to our community?
- Has it been openly shared and discussed?
- What formats is the key information in – e.g. maps, lists, pictures, stories, written documents…?
- Are there formats that would be particularly useful to our community? For example, should oral information be documented through participatory mapping or video?
- Is there information not yet available/documented and that it would be useful to have?
- How can this documentation be obtained/created?
- What will our community do with the documented information?
- How and with whom will documentation be shared? (See also #Act & Communicate and #Act with Others)
- Are there concerns or risks from creating or sharing documentation? How can we address these?
- Are there new opportunities from creating or sharing documentation? How can we act on these?