Each territory is unique and complex… documenting it properly can feel like a large undertaking. But you can start small and build the documentation over time, focusing on the aspects of the territory that are most important to your community and starting with information that is already known.
Community-defined documentation about the territory of life can be of use within the community and in support of external connections. It helps support other self-strengthening ‘elements’, including being able to communicate, seeing how the situation changes with time, and even defending the territory from harm.
Key formats for documentation include pictures, lists, maps, videos, artefacts, recordings of music, stories, interviews, and more.
A mere ‘description’ becomes documentation when the information is put into formats and organised in ways that make it easily available for future reference and use. ‘Good documentation’ is reasonably complete and clearly describes the key features of the territory and the community, and how decisions are made.
All documentation for a territory of life should be collected, shared and used only in ways that are determined by its custodian community and respect their rights, including their free, prior and informed consent (FPIC).
Header Photo: © KESAN