Plan and act: Questions for a grassroots discussion

The questions below can support your community in sketching out a simple situation analysis and identifying the priority actions to move towards the vision of the desired future for the territory of life and the custodian community.

  • Reflecting on the strengths, challenges, threats, and opportunities facing our territory of life (see #Understand) and our role as custodians (see #Vision & Celebrate), what needs to happen, or change, to achieve the positive vision of our community and our territory of life? 
  • Is there something impeding that change?  What can we do to surmount or counteract it?

…What are our priority actions?

  • Possibilities include:
    • Defending the territory of life against specific threats
    • Enhancing the recognition (e.g. legal recognition) of our community tenure or other rights
    • Enhancing respect for our community governance – external and/or internal
    • Restoring or better protecting the ecosystems or species in our territory of life
    • Enhancing the capacity of our territory to support our community livelihoods (e.g. by providing us with water, productive resources, protection from disasters)
    • Enhancing the connection between our territory and community
    • Receiving concrete backing of local rules from the police, technical agencies, the justice system…
    • Gaining better external or internal socio-economic support to do what we need to as custodians

After your community has identified one or more priorities on which to act, concrete planning can start. Discussion questions include:

…the What?, Who?, and When? of the action plan

  • For each one of our chosen priorities, what exactly do we wish to achieve?
  • Who could be engaged?
    • What can we do, as a community on our own? Is there any major change needed in the way in which we live, work and organise ourselves?
    • Who, within our community, can (or could) provide leadership and inspiration?
    • Do we see any specific role for the elders in our community? The youth? The women? The men? The children?
    • Who else is (or could be) engaged and committed?
    • What can we do together with other custodian communities and local allies?
    • What partnerships or alliances can we count on or seek anew? (See also #Act with Others)
  • What specific ‘priority actions’ should we take?
  • Are elements of #communication to be involved in our priority actions?
  • When shall we act? If applicable, shall we communicate before (‘announce what we will do’) or after our action (‘report what we have done’)?
  • What human, financial and other resources do we need?
    • Do we have resources to implement our priority actions– including knowledge, skills, information, time, and any relevant technology (e.g., cameras, GPS, vehicles, communication equipment…)?
    • What supplementary technical, human and/or financial resources do we need?
    • How can we obtain those supplemental resources – e.g. from other communities, partners, donors, etc.?
    • How shall we monitor and report on our progress? (See also #Review & Renew).